Day 6 - Montpezat


The town of Montpezat basked in the sunlight. Everything was light, just the way I like things. Including the shade of the stone buildings and the perfectly painted shutters and trims in many different colors. 

Right away we found a small restaurant and sat down for a cafe o'lait. Normally a tea drinker, I temporarily succumbed to aroma of the freshly brewed espresso that Cathy was drinking and joined her.


But not for long as we were already keeping out tour guide waiting. The walk took much longer than planned. How does one calculate how long it would take for 16 American women to walk uphill for 6 kilometers?

No worries, he turned out to be a very funny guy, kind of like a British Rodney Dangerfield. He declared that he "got no respect", but of course we all were gracious in giving him just that.


We wound around in the oldest part of the city, pausing to take a look at one of the very few gates still around from mid-evil times where security from the enemy was dealt with in this way.


But what I remember most about this town, like many other French towns, were the painted doors and shutters with potted flowers in just the right places.






Way up high, one pair of bright pink shutters


 The plaque on this building mentioned Marie-Antoinette, but I am sure it was not referring to "the" Marie-Antoinette. I just found this interesting.


For my Santa Barbara friend.


We made our way to this very old church from the Byzantine period.


The light was much darker inside, the flash of my camera brightened things up. But look at those amazing groin vaults holding up the ceiling.


The alter surrounded by amazing original tapestries.


During WWII this town went under siege of Hitler's rule. This is a monument to those who died there. Our guide told us of some pretty horrific events that took place there and in surrounding towns during that hideous time in recent history. The scars are still felt.


We passed through these amazing gates to have our picnic lunch that Joanna had prepared for all of us!  It was soooo nice to be cared for and looked after for a change.


We ended the visit to Montpezat with a demonstration by an extremely skilled tapestry weaver who has devoted her entire life to weaving. Now retired she still weaves for relaxation.

One more day, what shall we do?

Shopping anyone?

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