Summer Soiree and Classroom

Summer Soiree '09a - Stacked on Wallpaper
It's that time again. Our annual Summer Soiree and sale! Thursday, June 25 from Noon 'till Nine.  We only do this 2 times a year so it is not to be missed if you are near by!  It is the only time to receive 20% off of everything in the shop, including sale and clearance/outlet items as well! 

Many of you have shopped in our "outlet" during the past 6 months or so, so you know where it is, but now we are changing it into a gorgeous new class room!   Starting this fall we will be holding our popular workshops again. What kind of classes you ask? In addition to bringing in some of my very talented friends from all over the country, I will be teaching a series of millinery classes, my lampshade class, (see previous post) and my wool rose pin class. But, I am thinking about teaching beginning crochet, macrame and pillow making classes. I am pretty sure Peggy Snell would love to teach her very popular mitten class, and Robin Rick will teach her informative "Basics of Fung Shui" class!  And, I have a very funny, tall dark and handsome gentleman in tow, eager to teach some gals, and guys too if he has to, a class on how to rewire a lamp. The "original" Charlie Rose in fact, I have a habit of calling him "Dad". The same guy who took his four daughters on a whirlwind trip to France a few years ago. France will never be the same. 

Speaking of France, check out my next post!

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