Anna Gaseitsiwe

Meet Anna Gaseitsiwe

Anna Gaseitsiwe is a paper artist living in St. Paul, MN. From the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, she has lived in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Tampa, Florida, and Washington, D.C., following her career as an Anti-Money Laundering Investigator. After finally settling in St. Paul, in early 2018 Anna decided it was time to go back to her artistic roots and stumbled into paper flower making. It didn’t take long before the Twin Cities Metro area caught on to the unique art form. Since Anna started making flowers, she’s been featured in the MPLS/St. Paul Magazine, Star Tribune Magazine, and on the Forever Bride online blog. Anna is currently working on a large flower installation with a Minneapolis-based Japanese restaurant as well as teaching workshops around the Twin Cities area.

 Check out Anna's workshops at Rose Mille.