Classes and Workshop Policies

Workshops & classes must be paid for in order to be registered. We cannot hold your place in the class without payment.

Classes and workshops start on time. Doors will open 15 minutes before class is to begin, please arrive ready to learn and meet like minded people.

For longer than 2 hour workshops, light refreshments will be provided such as iced herbal tea, coffee, or tea, and cookies.

We require 4 or more paid students in order to hold workshops or classes. Once the minimum is reached, we will send out a welcome letter to all who have signed up. If we don't have the minimum students, the workshop will be cancelled and any students who have signed up, will receive a full refund. 

Cancellations Due to our commitments with our teachers, and planning for materials and supplies, classes are neither refundable nor transferable to other classes. You may however send another person in your place. On the rare chance that we must cancel a class students will receive a full refund.

We are not responsible for any injuries that may occur to a student while attending a class or workshop. Please follow all safety guidelines expressed by the instructor.